
  1. 5

    👍 Likeable

    Someone has liked your content. Good job!
  2. 5

    👍🧲 Like Magnet

    Awarded for receiving your first 10 likes on your posts or contributions. Your content is striking a chord with the community!✨
  3. 10

    ☕️ Newcomer

    Awarded for joining and taking your first step toward contributing to our educational community. Welcome aboard! ☕️
  4. 10

    📝 Word Whisperer

    Awarded for channeling your inner wordsmith and sending your first message.
  5. 10

    🎈1 Year Anniversary

    Awarded for being part of our community for one year. Let's celebrate! 🎉
  6. 10

    ♥️ Heartwarming Contributor

    Acknowledged for spreading love and positivity in the community by receiving 50 likes. Your contributions are touching hearts! ♥️
  7. 15

    👍 Like Legend

    You're the true Like Legend! With 100 likes on your content, you've made an indelible mark on our community. Keep shining bright! ✨
  8. 40

    🔭 Constellation Cadet

    You're well on your way to having a constellation named after you. Keep answering questions and exploring the universe of knowledge! ✨
  9. 50

    🕵🏿 Inspector Insight

    Awarded for your keen eye in dissecting and reviewing an article. 🔎
  10. 50

    ⭐️ Scribe

    Awarded for delivering a short-form article to the universe of learners.
  11. 70

    🧙🏽‍♂️ Question Wizard

    Awarded for crafting 10 answers to the intriguing questions at
  12. 80

    👑 Review Royalty

    Awarded for your reign as a supreme ruler in the realm of reviews. 👸🏻🤴🏾 (2 reviews)
  13. 80

    🚀 Article Rocketeer

    Awarded for skyrocketing your article contributions to new heights. (2 articles)
  14. 80

    🕰️ Timeless Scholar

    Awarded for your unwavering commitment to knowledge over five years. You're a true scholar of time.
  15. 150

    💫 Review Starlord

    Awarded for your celestial mastery of reviews. (8 reviews)
  16. 150

    🧙🏻‍♀️ Article Wizard

    Awarded for your extraordinary journeys into the world of short articles. (5 Articles)
  17. 300

    🌌 Question Constellation

    You’ve answered so many questions we’re going to name a constellation after you. (100 Questions)
  18. 500

    🎖️ Luminary Scholar

    Awarded for reaching the pinnacle of knowledge and contributing to our community for a decade. You are truly a luminary ⚛