All Ages The name of God.

Wilfredo Vasquez

Legacy Member
Many consider that there is more than one god, but that there is only one true God.

Will it be necessary for that God to have a name to be distinguished among the other gods?

If this is so, what will be the true name of God? How was it known before the Christine era? What do you think about it?
I believe in One God in three different persons the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We can see it in the baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is the one being baptized. The Father spoke the words this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. The Holy Spirit was the one who descended on Jesus like a dove.
I believe in One God in three different persons the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We can see it in the baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is the one being baptized. The Father spoke the words this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. The Holy Spirit was the one who descended on Jesus like a dove.

Hi Faith Jose,

Thank you very much for sharing your opinion on this interesting and historical topic, I have liked your explanation very much, it is very illustrative and graphic, easy to understand, at least for me and surely for other readers, thank you for sharing it.
God without man, He is still God but man without God he is nothing.

Hi Faith Uy, Thank you for sharing this valuable reflection, this quite interesting, could also be in the forum of philosophy for the depth that could be its analysis despite the short of the message, this could easily be part of an analysis in cualquir class on religion or philosophy where the reason for the existence of man is discussed or debated. This reflection could easily be used at the beginning of the class as a trigger for a discussion on this topic. Thanks for your contribution.
There is no name under heaven whereby we must be saved. Only the name of Jesus can save us.
[DOUBLEPOST=1547377128][/DOUBLEPOST]In Jesus name we can lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.
If you really study the Bible deeply, you will understand that there is only One True God and His name is Jesus. No offense to other religious sect or denominations. I don't want a debate or anything, I just want to share my belief. God bless us all.