No uniform, no entry


Legacy Member
The school uniform is the identity of the school just like the corporate image in business. When a student is not in uniform the guard on the gate will not allow entry. Some parents are questioning that rule because they couldn't buy several pairs of uniform that there are times when the laundry was not dry so the student has to go to school without the uniform. What is your take on the issue, should the parents be allowed to submit an excuse slip for the child in not wearing the school uniform?
Wearing uniform is one and very common rule of schools together with wearing of ID's. It's not done to put burden to parents and children/students but to ensure safety and easy identification. Every person can be easily acknowledge by what he/she is wearing. Uniforms in all aspects of life is so important for us to easily differentiate every person around us and for easy access. With the uniforms of the children, they can be easily seen, easily monitored and easily be guarded.
I went to two different schools with uniforms (primary and secondary). We were permitted to attend classes without our uniform if we had a note from our parents with an appropriate excuse. It didn't happen that often and wasn't a big problem. A bigger problem was students wearing filthy uniforms. Young kids don't care about their appearance and you would regularly see boys with mud covered shoes and pants, chocolate milk down the front of their shirt... I used to sleep in my uniform because I didn't like being cold in the morning, lol.

Anyways, I remember hating my uniform. By high school I was mortally embarrassed of it. i had other clothing I would put on over it for the walk to school in case a girl saw me! I was really happy to leave that school and never wear that ugly, cheaply made, uncomfortable uniform again.

We were always told that the intention of the uniform was to unify the student body, make all the students the same, remove any status and competition based on how you dressed, and to eliminate that distraction. Fine idea in theory, unfortunately it had a rebound effect on me and a lot of my classmates. As soon as we could choose our own clothing we all became punk rockers and dressed as outlandishly as we could manage.

I really believe uniforms are unnecessary. It's school, not the army (or prison). Uniforms are an anachronism of a more conservative, classist age.
For me, I think we should think about this for a second: Is school for developing individuality or is it used to develop the mind? A common misconception is that we shouldn't have uniforms in school because it prohibits individuality. If a school is meant for development individuality then yes I agree with no uniforms, but it's not. At its core, schools are for developing the human mind and behavior and not to develop individuality. Without school uniforms, you have a school with severe problems with immodesty and a school with a terrible learning environment.
It depends. There are communities that can't afford changing clothes everyday. It's better to build a responsibility of following rules in children. One way is the uniform of the students.
It depends on the school's internal rules, to be honest. And whether or not the demographics of the attending students has been accounted for. After all, not everyone can be expected to be able to afford more than one set of uniform for most part. Honestly, I don't think most public schools should be allowed to set a uniform unless they can somehow subside a couple of sets for students.

In case of private schools, or schools in the more affluent parts of the city, there should be very few excuses that warrant noncompliance with uniform requirements, if such uniform has been made explicitly clear to be part of the school requirements in the first place.
If there is a policy like that then students should follow. Because there are some schools wherein they dont actually have a uniform so students can wear any type of clothes they want as long as it is proper and not revealing.
It's a school rule so it should be followed by its students. The school is a place where the students should be disciplined. The rules were made to disciplined the students. The uniform resembles the school so wearing uniform is a way to show that the student is proud to the school.
For me, I think we should think about this for a second: Is school for developing individuality or is it used to develop the mind? A common misconception is that we shouldn't have uniforms in school because it prohibits individuality. If a school is meant for development individuality then yes I agree with no uniforms, but it's not. At its core, schools are for developing the human mind and behavior and not to develop individuality. Without school uniforms, you have a school with severe problems with immodesty and a school with a terrible learning environment.
I hadn't thought about uniforms in this light. Now that you mention it, I do believe uniforms are a show of discipline and order.
If it's a school policy then there's nothing to do about it. Although, the schools I know do permit entry to students even with incomplete uniform. They will get marked down for their class as this is part of the school policy. I think, personally, it's a parent's responsibility to make sure their child/ren go to school wearing the proper attire. Parents can wash the uniform as soon as the child comes home and that will be enough time for drying.
Also students should behave themselves while wearing the uniform in public since in some societies the students' behavior is linked to their schools, so if the student does something ashaming it would ashame the school as well. Not a view that I completely agree with, but that's how things are.
I agree on the "No uniform, no entry policy" of some schools, especially for elementary and high school students. Identification is one of the purposes of having a uniform but there are more other reasons beyond that. That policy is not only about the identity of the students but also about their characters. The policy teaches them to submit, obey and follow the school regulations from the basic level.
We had this rule here in my country a long time ago but this is not available anymore, now students can entry schools or high school dressed as they want and this is a problem sometimes because some girls wear inappropriate clothes for school but we parents can't do anything about this.
Wearing of uniforms within the school premises should be implemented strongly. Simple following of this rule means added security, not only for the school staff and workers but as well as the students themselves. Allowed use of non-uniform clothing inside the school premises could lead to outsiders getting inside the campus. Parents should take this into consideration and find ways to support their child in this particular aspect.
This has to be strictly implemented. By wearing uniforms, students show how the discipline they are. Subjects can be learned but not attitude.
Most of schools have their school uniform but there are also schools tht doesn't practice on having some school uniforms. So when you are in a school that implement a rules to use your school uniform then you must wear it. If the problem was financial, well do not bring your child where you know that you couldn't afford. Stick to the one that you know where you could support your child though we all know that studying is very important we also must be practical with our life.
Allowing students to enter the school not wearing the prescribed school uniform is a great hazard for the school as well as the students themselves. This could be the reason why dangerous individuals get inside the school and do horrible crimes within. The guards will have a hard time identifying legitimate students from outsiders since there is no distinction between them.
The school uniform is the identity of the school just like the corporate image in business. When a student is not in uniform the guard on the gate will not allow entry. Some parents are questioning that rule because they couldn't buy several pairs of uniform that there are times when the laundry was not dry so the student has to go to school without the uniform. What is your take on the issue, should the parents be allowed to submit an excuse slip for the child in not wearing the school uniform?
Well, I don't think that there can be any exception made regarding this rule by the School Authorities. Students are expected to be in School in there uniform. I don't think that buying a second set of uniform can be that difficult for the parents. Wearing the school uniform is part of the discipline of the school and no excuses should be entertained regarding this.
I believe school uniforms are a good idea, not only due to identification but also as a powerful mean of strengthening of collective consciousness and sense of belonging in children. Another important aspect, is to decrease social differences between children regarding their economical backround. They should be mandatory in all schools.