E-learning through MOOCs AT edX

This is a competency era. It is beyond doubt that it is beneficial & cost effective to have competent level/positions in any organisation. However, in order to be competent, people need to acquire new set of skills, hone their skills or do both.

However, considering such setting, Harvard and MIT conjointly founded the edX platform (Massive Open Online Courses or in short, MOOCs). edX is transforming traditional education, removing the barriers of cost, location and access.

A Quantitative research was conducted to determine about the quality of those widely disseminated courses whether they are suitable for organisations in not only in India but also across the rest of the globe.

Objectives of the study
  • To measure edX certification courses in the terms of quality
  • To find how organisations (public or public) recruit based on their edX certification
  • To find how do employees, those who merely got placed based on edX (either self paced or verified cer- tification), contribute in upsurging the organisations in the terms of development and success.
  • To find how edX helped or shall help people to identify their niche and play an important role in assisting them in securing their dream jobs/positions.

Literature Review


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Sample Size - 10, where in people (employers, employees, students, or enthusiasts) those who acquired or honed skills from single or combination of the various subjects including popular subjects like Business & Management, Computer Science, Data Analysis & Statistics, Humanities, and Language, along with a range of less-popular subjects Architecture, Arts & History, Biology & Life Sciences, Chemistry, Communication, Design, Economics & Finance, Education & Teacher Training, Electronics, Energy & Earth Sciences, Engineering, Environmental Studies, Ethics, Food & Nutrition, Health & Safety, History, Language, Law, Literature, Math, Medicine, Music, Philanthropy, Philosophy & Ethics, Physics, Science, and Social Sciences, one can either hone their skills or acquire new set of skills., were selected on a random basis to determine edX quality and how its courses helped them find their niche.

Data Collection
There are two types of data sources:
Primary Data: Research instrument used for collecting the primary data was the survey questionnaire. The survey was prepared on the basis of: employers and employees, to survive the competition & emerge as a niche position in organisations especially, in India; how an organisation, a industry or company (public or private) can adapt this learning (through MOOCs) culture to upsurge their development and become successful; of the management of any organisations
be it government or private, or business entities, to perform various functions in an effective manner; and those functions are:
  • Training & Development - how the candidates (employers or employees) helped to manage in the terms of training and development at the organisation- the one they are working with/ worked with- or the one they had established.
  • Recruitment & Selection - how the candidates (employers) helped to manage in recruiting and selecting at the organisation- the one they are working with/worked with- or the one they had established.
  • Business Objective / Competitiveness - how the candidates (employers or employees) helped to manage competing in market or against (similar) competitors at the organisation- the one they are working with/worked with- or the one they had established.
  • Career - Succession - Planning - how the candidates (employers or employees) improved their activities such as career advancement, succession and planning, at the organisation- the one they are working with/worked with- or the one they had established.
  • Skills Analysis - how the candidates (employers or employees) analysed their skills that boosts not only them but also at the organisation- the one they are working with/worked with- or the one they had established.
  • Flexibility - how the candidates (employers or employees) became aware of their flexibility trait at the organisation the one they are working with/worked with- or the one they had established.
  • Clarity of Role - how the candidates (employers or employees) helped to realise their role/position (that they intend to work, niche, etc.) at the organisation- the one they are working with/ worked with- or the one they had established.
  • Integrating HR Strategy - how the candidates (employers or employees) assisted to integrate
    HR strategies at the organisation- the one they are working with/worked with- or the one they had established
  • Enforcing standard / Quality Reward - how the candidates (employers or employees) helped
    enforce standards at the organisation- the one they are working with/worked with- or the one they had established.
  • Motivating employees - how the candidates (employers or employees) helped in motivating employees (when it comes to 'employers') or colleagues (when it comes to 'employees') at the organisation the one they are working with/worked with- or the one they had established, or in certain case such as business mentors, etc.
  • Increased Efficiency - how the candidates (employers or employees) increased efficiency to manage at the organisation the one they are working with/worked with- or the one they had established.
  • Equal Opportunities - how the candidates (employers or employees) obliged and abided equal opportunities at the organisation- the one they are working with/worked with- or the one they had established.
  • Secondary data: It was collected based on the assumption that it stood truly for the organisation.
  • Statistical tools used for Analysis and Interpretations: Pie charts, Graphs, Tables were used in
    data analysis and interpretations for candidates that included- employers, employees, students, and enthusiasts.

Research Analysis


Least opted was 'subjects clearly explained by experts'; this shows the subjects had not been up to the par. Teaching methodology was highly appreciated followed by variety in disseminating subjects; the other presumption can be various barriers like language barrier, etc. due to which the candidate had an issue with teaching methodology.

Other observations:
Quality and teaching education were beyond satisfactory whereas, one percent of the candidates answered that the edX appeared to be expensive.


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Candidates ' not only fully agreed to acquire new set of skills rather than explore the unknown but also agreeable to explore other career options as an alternative; however, those who merely wanted to find their niche and/or get formal education were minorly opted despite opted more in favour in pursuit of knowledge.



Analysis & Interpretation:
Other than traditional institutions, candidates (who moderately agree) were more driven to have the privilege of having access to resources, and majority of them leaned towards availing access to the content anywhere and at anytime. One-percent of the candidates thinks courses on expensive than the traditional education.



The question is limited to students and enthusiasts, and only five out of 10 candidates responded to the question.

Enthusiasts and Students enrolled into edX to improve their grades at schools or institutions; however, partially agreed with other aspects like time management and/or to hone skills.



Analysis & Interpretation:
Employers and employees agreed that the e-learning platform assisted to not only to compete with their competitors or market change but also to manage their organisations; however, they moderately agreed to find a better algorithm (-the second bar- which was not printed due to some technical glitch; however may found in the questionnaire that is attached at the end of the project) in managing their day to day life and/or work, job promotions, application in critical approach on anything, in here, to the problems they face at work. Yet none were in favourable to compete with their peers (-the fifth bar in the graph, which is marked zer-percent, that is not displayed due to some technical glitch; however may found in the questionnaire that is attached at the end of the project). One percent of the candidates had opted 'nothing' meaning they had not been assisted by edX up till the moment they opted.



Analysis & Interpretation:
Employers and/or Employees (either they are working with one that they own) appeared to have honed managerial functions: maximal in analysis skills, increasing efficiency, providing equal opportunities; moderately in training, developing, recruitment, in initiating competitiveness (Business Objective/Competitiveness which happened to be not printed in the bar graph due to some technical glitch; however can be found in the questionnaire at the end of the project), motivating employees; agreeable in flexibility in pursuing any program at their own pace, clarity in their job/task role, integrating hr strategies, enforcing standard/ quality reward (-Enforcing standard/Quality reward- which happened to be not printed in the bar graph due to some technical glitch; however can be found in the questionnaire at the end of the project).



Analysis & Interpretation:
Eighty-percent of the candidates agreed that any organisations or institutions adopt such practise of e-learning platforms; however, twenty-percent remain aversed.



There were only four candidates who responded to the question, and the question is limited to only employers and employees.

Analysis & Interpretation:
Employers and Employers were able to produce niche goods and services rather than handling their organisations; however, they partially agreed with managing their organisations and acquiring new skills alongside doing their work.



The ascending order lead to the most satisfying however descending order lead to the least satis- fying.

Analysis & Interpretation:
Sixty-percent of the candidates equally graded 7, 9 and 10; however three members alone gave 8 and one graded three, presuming, dissatisfied.



The ascending order lead to the most satisfying however descending order lead to the least satisfying.

Analysis & Interpretation:
100% of the candidates chose to grade above the par for teaching methodology of this e-learning platform.



The ascending order lead to the most satisfying however descending order lead to the least satisfying.

Analysis & Interpretation:
Ninety-percent (i.e. nine members out of ten) candidates chose to grade above the par for teach- ing methodology of this e-learning platform; however one chose below average.



Analysis & Interpretation:
Among students, employees, employers, or enthusiasts, seventy-percent of the candidates are
willing to add edX (verified as well as self-paced) programs to their resumes; however twenty- percent were against doing the act. The other ten percent replied neutrally.



Analysis & Interpretation:
Among students, employees, employers, or enthusiasts, only twenty-percent of the candidates secured job position and/or promoted after adding edX (verified as well as self-paced) programs to their resumes; however eighty-percent did not secure any job positions adding edX (verified as well as self-paced) programs to their resumes.



Analysis & Interpretation:
Among students, employees, employers, or enthusiasts, only twenty-percent of the candidates
found niche after pursuing programs (verified as well as self-paced) on edX; however forty-per- cent did not. The other forty-percent replied neutrally.



There were only seven candidates who responded to the question.

Analysis & Interpretation:
Among students, employees, employers, or enthusiasts, 42.9% of the candidates thought organisations should adopt e-learning platforms to assist candidates in performing various management functions in an effective manner; however, 28.6% candidates did not concede it whereas the other 28.6% replied neutrally.



Analysis & Interpretation:
Among students, employees, employers, or enthusiasts, sixty-percent of the candidates think that edX advanced candidates; however, only ten-percent candidates did not concede it whereas the other thirty-percent replied neutrally.



Analysis & Interpretation:
Among students, employees, employers, or enthusiasts, seventy-percent of the candidates enrolled in edX (either verified or self-based) programs because they were taught by well known institutions such as universities, colleges, etc. Sixty-percent of the them enrolled in because, the programs were disseminated by recognised institutions. Fifty-percent of them enrolled in edX because the programs were disseminated by the professors from the respective institutions such as universities, colleges, etc.



Analysis & Interpretation:
Among students, employees, employers, or enthusiasts, ninety-percent of the candidates think edX (either verified or self-based) covered programs relative to fundamentals. Eighty-percent of them think edX covers advanced level courses such s in-depth programs, etc. Ten-percent of them think edX covers only merely mediocre such as common subject programs.

The findings were not limited to employers and employees (but also, few of the candidates such as students and enthusiasts) to survive the competition & find a niche position with not limiting to organisations especially, in India; how any organisation (public or private) can adapt this learning (through MOOCs) culture to upsurge their management by performing below mentioned managerial functions in an effective manner:
  • Training & Development - Candidates (comprising: employers of ten percent and employees of thirty percent of the study) to find niche positions, and managing organisations. This managerial function has to be adapted since the candidates were in favourable of not only quality of education and teaching methodology but also in disseminating these wide range of unlimited resources and subjects (through well-known and recognised universities/institutions' professors), along with international participation, to either hone skills or acquire new set of skills, and they even insisted on adapting to such e-learning platforms (not limited to edX).
  • Recruitment & Selection - Sixty-percent of the candidates stated that they had been advanced their career through edX. Although, seventy percent were wiling to add edX (verified or selffaced) programs, only twenty percent secured job position and/or promoted. In addition, only twenty-percent think that they would be recruited based on edX disseminated programs.
  • Business Objective / Competitiveness - Although the candidates were in favourable to compete against market niche and within organisation such as securing comfortable job position, promotion, etc, it has been observed that they were not competing with their peers. They witnessed that one could hone skills to satisfy market needs. Fifty-percent of them graded they were assisted to produce niche goods or services in their employment or businesses.
  • Career - Succession - Planning - To either acquire new set of skills or to hone skills, the candidates recommend edX since it disseminates fundamentals as well as advanced related focused programs to find niche or compete against market niche.
  • Skills Analysis - More popular subjects along with less popular subjects (fundamental and advanced levels) were being disseminated by edX through well recognised institutions or universities directly by their faculty.
  • Flexibility - Candidates can pursue all those programs (either verified or self-paced) in their own pace.
  • Clarity of Role - Only forty-percent of the candidates enrolled in to programs (either verified or self-paced) those to find their niche.
  • Integrating HR Strategy - These programs were taught (with international participation involvement) to improve their algorithms such as critical approach.
  • Enforcing standard / Quality Reward - Candidates graded edX 's quality of education, tacking
    methodology beyond fifty-percent denoting that the quality of content in basics such as fun- daments, and advanced related courses is beyond the par.
  • Motivating employees - International participation and friendly tutors and university professors
    would encourage to adapt same setting at the candidates' organisations (the one they are work- ing with/worked with or the one they had established).
  • Increased Efficiency - Since fundaments and advanced level programs were covered in on
    edX, the organisations (the one they are working with/worked with or the one they had estab- lished) would upsurge its efficiency.
  • Equal Opportunities - The candidates obliged and abided equal opportunities either at the organisation (the one they are working with/worked with or the one they had established) or in their day-to-day life because although, those candidates wanted to compete against market, they were not encouraging themselves in competing against their peer despite in favour of se- curing niche profile or promotions.

  • The sample covers data from a very few of those who acquired or honed skills from edX due to logical constraints.
  • Although, the said subject is about the study of various functions mentioned above, it is solely based on the research from edX point of view and the candidates who enrolled into edX.
  • The knowledge of the project is merely about how a candidate trained through edX can be helpful in achieving their organisation's goal.
  • Other limitations restricted within edX only.

edX advanced candidates in their career in disseminating fundamental and advanced level programs from not only well known but also well recognised institutions and universities directly from their faculty such as professors, trained tutors, etc. Although organisations must recognise e-learning platforms not limiting to edX, a very minority number of the candidates who enrolled into such programs out there managed to secure their niche position or promotion, or in certain cases, both.

Organisations shall need to advocate such e-learning platforms since it does not only assist them to manage their organisation/s through managerial functions: Training & Development, Recruitment & Selection, Business Objective/Competitiveness, Career-Succession-Planning, Skills Analysis, Flexibility, Clarity of Role, Integrating HR Strategy Enforcing standard/Quality Reward, Motivating employees, Increased Efficiency, Equal Opportunities, but also develop inter-
personal skills, interpersonal skills, better algorithms in solving problems, critical thinking in ap- proaching programs to find solution/s, work life balance, work and cultural behaviour, etc.

Only above average of the candidates find that they had been advanced their career through edX; hence, there must be new ways implemented by the e-learning platform, edX. Candidates thought edX was necessary because of the thriving competition outside the world; however, they acquired or honed skills for producing niche market products or services. They either want to collaborate their business (when talking in terms of competitiveness in business entities) or do not want to compete against other employees/enthusiasts (when talking in terms of competitiveness within business entities); such empathy often occurs in culturally diversified with international participation.

There must be also new ways to assist candidates in finding their passion. Most of the candidates were driven to edX.org only after realising what they could hone in or what new of skills must be acquired in competing with job markets.
Aforementioned statements were designed based on the options of the candidates' who surveyed and from the company's perspective. And, more of them were from Asia and further narrowed to India.

  • The MOOCs are in the initial stage and yet to be recognised by the organisations to recruit or promote. Only twenty-percent think that companies recruit based on edX programs.
  • Although it assist any organisations in securing job positions or promotions, those organisations have to implement such e-learning platforms for recruiting or promoting job candidates.
  • edX needs to assist their candidates to find their niche. Very few of those found so far.
  • More Master programs need to be disseminated by the e-learning platform besides professional certification programs.
  • Only above average of the candidates find that they had been advanced their career through edX. New ways must be implemented.
  • edX must start new courses in fields like how can one defend against sexual harassments, bul- lying at workplace, and mental health relative, etc.

  • The payment has limitations like it agrees credentials only of a credit card's.
  • Public and private universities need to make such MOOC platforms to offer digital education; this would help everyone to get education unlike that of traditional education in which it has seat limitations for a course or programme at a particular college/university.
  • Suggesting financial page on the home page of edX web portal would assist candidates to enrol into programs with ease, which in later intend to add to their resumes.


Edx (2019) Available at: https://www.edx.org/ (Accessed 04 September. 2019).

edX. (2018) HarvardX. Available at: https://www.edx.org/school/harvardx (Accessed 04 September. 2019).

edX. (2019) Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Available at: https://www.edx.org/school/mitx (Accessed 04 September. 2019).

edX (n.d.) MOOC. Available at: https://mooc.org/ (Accessed 04 September. 2019).

edX (n.d.) Master's Degrees on EdX: Top-Ranked, Affordable Online Programs. Available at: www.edx.org/ masters (Accessed 04 September. 2019).

edX (n.d.) Professional Certificate. Available at: www.edx.org/professional-certificate (Accessed 04 September. 2019).

edX (n.d.) MicroMasters Program. Available at: www.edx.org/micromasters (Accessed 04 September. 2019).

Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) (n.d.) library.educause.edu/topics/teaching-and-learning/massive- open-online-course-mooc (Accessed 04 September. 2019).

M a s s i v e O p e n O n l i n e C o u r s e (n.d.) Wikipedia. Available at: en.wikipedi-a.org/wiki/ Massive_open_online_course (Accessed 04 September. 2019).


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