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The Last Words of Albion

The Last Words of Albion 2024-08-22

ℹ️ The Last Words of Albion is available to as a free ebook for curriculum developers, students and universities through the university library network.
Beneath Hadrian's Wall's ancient shadow, The Last Words of Albion weaves a captivating journey through Britain's history with the elegance of haiku. More than poetry, it's a portal to a past filled with valour and strife, illustrating our evolution. From lush forests to the industrial revolution's grime, it merges historical gravitas with the ethereal dreams that define us, bridging from Moreland to Metropolis.

This narrative isn't just read; it's an exploration of Britain's rich history, urging readers to connect with the island's soulful legacy. Its blend of striking watercolours and resonant verses offers a unique engagement with history, appealing to both youngsters and adults alike, and transforming heritage into an interactive saga.

At its core, the book voices a crucial ecological message, spotlighting our bond with the planet amid the spectre of climate change. Highlighting pivotal moments like the Great Fire and World War II, it challenges readers to ponder our collective future. The Last Words of Albion invites you to not only witness Britain's splendour but also to contribute to the narrative of our shared home, urging a conscious stride towards safeguarding our environment for posterity.

Family Writing Game: Each player writes one line of the haiku: Player 1 writes the first line (5 syllables), Player 2 writes the second line (7 syllables), and Player 3 writes the third line (5 syllables).
The Rules said:
Do not share or discuss what you write before completing your line.
You have 3 minutes to read the question and rules.
You have 2 minutes to write your line. If everyone is ready, you can finish earlier by mutual agreement.
There should be 3 or 6 players for this game. However, if there are an even number of players e.g. 2; 1 Player 1 will write lines 1 and 3 and Player 2 will write the title. Player 4 will write the title. With 5 players or more players you will need to write 2 haiku. It can be really fun to swap lines 1 and 3 around and between the poems.
Joshua Ferdinand
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5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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[Following is an official OnlineBookClub.org review of "The Last Words of Albion" by Joshua Ferdinand.]

In The Last Words of Albion, Joshua Ferdinand embarks on a poetic exploration of some of Britain's past, inviting us to reflect on those realities and the present condition of things. Presented in the form of haiku, the book looks into such incidents as the Great Fire and World War II and comments on such issues as unchecked human activities in nature and the consequent risk of environmental degradation.

Haiku is a form of poetry whereby the first and last lines contain five syllables and the second line contains seven syllables. There are other characteristics associated with this poetic form, such as its usual emphasis on issues related to nature and being able to convey deep messages in a few words. I was really impressed with the way the author used this poetic form to explore the book's thematic preoccupations.

First, I liked the symbolic, vivid, picturesque word choices, an example of which can be seen in this excerpt: "Bombs over England/Then the cities grow taller." Here, the word "bombs" represents an influential historical incident, and "the cities grow taller" paints a picture of the unfortunate loss and destruction it brought about. These word choices not only get us into critical thinking but also heighten the meaning and depth of the incident being discussed, all presented in a language less sensitive, making the whole thing a healthy exploration into our collective past and mistakes with a view to engineering some redemptive actions.

I observed that Ferdinand is very intentional with this writing. He has a great way of presenting his message, sparking the readers' thought and imagination, and crafting an engaging discourse. These are obvious in the placement of the same poem at the beginning and at the end of the book and in the author's punctuation choice in the penultimate poem. Furthermore, the poems are embellished with relevant poetic devices. Take, for instance, the attribution of the action of licking to the inanimate object "flame."

The illustrations were very rich and gave a raw visual representation of the themes. The paintings of Britain's rustic landscape and its condition following the era of industrialization were especially memorable. There is no complaint to report about this book. Considering the thought-provoking content, the advocacy for a safer and friendlier society, and the error-free text, I rate this book five out of five stars. The Last Words of Albion is recommended to readers aged nine to eleven. With some guidance, children below the age of nine will also find this book enlightening. I also think that adults who like haiku or poetry with impactful content will also enjoy it.
- Rishaunda Lynnette Britton