
This collaborative paper explores the practice and culture of transformative learning theory (TLT) within teaching and learning processes. Authored by four contributors, the paper offers a multi-dimensional and narrative exploration of individual experiences and struggles with transformation. It delves into the stages of transformation based on Mezirow's ten-step process, ranging from disorienting dilemmas to reintegration into society.

Authors as scholars of MPhil in STEAM education tried to emphasize the value of valuing individuals' lived experiences and using transformative learning approaches to shift perspectives from disempowering beliefs to empowering new ones. The authors highlight the importance of adopting transformative teaching and learning approaches to address crises and promote change. The purpose of the paper is to reflect the author's practices for transformation, drawing from lived experiences and theoretical underpinnings.

The theoretical foundations of TLT are explored in terms of self-reflection and transformation. The concept of changing frames of reference is discussed, emphasizing the role of knowledge shift and new information assimilation. The paper shares reflections from various professionals, each recounting their transformative journeys.

The challenges associated with applying TLT are acknowledged, including its individualistic focus and limited attention to sociocultural and emotional dimensions. The methodological challenges of TLT application are outlined, and concerns are raised about the theory's premise and framework. Finally, the paper underscores the significance of TLT as a framework for fostering critical thinking and professional development. It emphasizes the process of shifting perspectives, challenging existing beliefs, and embracing change. Despite challenges, TLT remains a valuable tool for understanding adult learning and enhancing educational practices in various contexts.

Keywords: Reflection, transformation, collaboration, autoethnography.
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